Hollington Primary School

Hollington Primary School

Home | Learning | Inclusion | SEND


Special Educational Needs

What is SEN?

How is SEN identified?

Provision for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Hastings Local Offer

Outside Agencies

Additional Support for children at Hollington

Additional Literacy Support: 

  • We have a team of well-trained Teachers and Teaching Assistants who work with small groups of children and provide individual support.

Additional Maths Support:

  • We target small groups of children throughout the school, giving them additional number work.
  • Occupational Therapy: 
  • Some children may require additional apparatus to help them achieve; we take advice from our occupational therapist to ensure that our children have the correct pencil grips, writing slopes, chairs etc.       

 Speech and Language: 

  • Any difficulties in communication are identified quickly and the appropriate support put in place.

1:1 Teaching Assistant Support 

Some children might need short term individual support to help them achieve academically or to help them manage their physical needs. 

Pastoral Support

We know that a child cannot learn unless he or she is ready to do so emotionally. 

How skilled are the staff?

We have an extensive staff at Hollington who continuously look to develop their practice and extend their expertise.

An ongoing programme of training is in place to ensure that teachers and support staff have appropriate skills and knowledge. This includes:

  • Literacy strategies
  • Maths strategies
  • Autism
  • BSL
  • Phonics
  • First Aid
  • Safeguarding

Our staff also engaging in outreach support from local special schools.

We have regular staff meetings where all members share ideas to promote successful learning strategies. 

The SENCO attends local authority SENCO briefing meetings as well as being part of the SENCO cluster.